Deutsch für Thao

Deutsch für Thao


Phú Quốc ist eine schöne Insel.       Phú Quốc is a beautiful Island

Ist = is

Eine = a (female)

schöne (beautiful (female))

Insel = island


Die Insel hat einen hübschen Strand.                     The Island have a nice beach

Strand = beach

einen= a (male, akkusativ)

hübsch = nice



Zahlen (Numbers)


Elf                    11

Zwölf               12

Dreizehn          13

Vierzehn          14

Fünfzehn          15

Sechszehn        16

Siebzehn          17

Achtzehn          18

Neunzehn         19

Zwanzig           20

Einundzwanzig  21


Im Dezember ist es warm in Vietnam         In december it is warm in Vietnam

Im = In the

Dezember = december

Ist = is

Es = it

Warm = warm


Im Januar ist es kalt in Deutschland           In january it is cold in germany

Januar = january

Kalt = cold

Deutschland = Germany



Ich wurde 1984 (Neuzehnhundertvierundachzig) geboren.            I was born in nineteeneightyfour

Wurde = was (passiv)

Geboren = born

Im Jahr 2016 (Zweitausendsechzehn) haben sich Heiko und Thao verliebt        In the Year 2016 Heiko and Thao fall in Love

Verlieben/verliebt = fall in love

Haben sich = have (each other)




Im Winter fällt Schnee                     In the winter snow is falling

(Vào mùa đông tuyết rơi.)

Fällt/fallen = fall

Schnee = snow


Die Kinder bauen einen Schneemann                     The children build a snowman

(Các trẻ em xây dựng một người đàn ông tuyết)

Die = The

Kinder = children/kids

Bauen = build

einen = a

Schneemann = snowman


Guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr!                                   Start good in the new Year!

Ich wünsche Dir ein gutes neues Jahr!       I wish you a happy new year!

Gut/Guten = good

Wünsche/Wunsch = wish

Jahr = Year

New = neu

Rutsch = slide


Ich suche das Rathaus.                    I’m looking for he city hall. (Tìm kiếm các tòa thị chính)

Ich = I

suche = search / looking for (tìm kiếm)

das = the (for neutral objects)

Rathaus = city hall (tòa thị chính)


Das Rathaus ist im Stadtzentrum.

im = in the

Stadtzentrum = city centre (trung tâm thành phố)


Nehmen Sie die Straßenbahn Nummer 4.              Take the tram number 4 (Đi xe điện số 4)

Nehmen = take

Straßenbahn = tram / streetcar / trolley car (đường cho xe chạy)

Nummer = number


Hochzeit (Wedding)

Heiko heiratet Thao.                        Heiko get married with Thao    (Heiko cưới Thảo)

Heiratet = marries (get married with)

Und = and


Thao und Heiko feiern ihre Hochzeit.         Thao and Heiko celebrate their wedding (Thảo và Heiko mừng đám cưới của họ)

Feiern = celebrate

ihre = their

Hochzeit = wedding



Im Kaufhaus / Một cửa hàng / In the Shopping Center

Wo finde ich Schuhe? Where I find shoes?                 Tôi có thể tìm thấy đôi giày ở đâu?

Wo = Where = o dau?

Ich finde = I find = tôi tìm thấy

Schuhe = Schuhe = đôi giày


Gehen Sie in die erste Etage!               Go to the first floor                  Đến tầng đầu tiên

Gehen = go = di

Sie = You (for strangers/ older persons)

In = in

die = the (female)

dritte = third = 3.

Etage = floor


Im Restaurant / in the restaurant

Haben Sie Hunger?                  Are You hungry?

Haben = have

Sie = You (polite “You” for strangers)

Hunger = hunger


Ja, ich habe Hunger.                Yes I’m hungry

Was wollen Sie essen? What do you want to eat?

Was = What

Wollen = want

Eat = eat


Ich möchte Fisch mit Reis.       I’d like Fish with Rice.

Ich = I

Möchte = like

Fisch = fish

Reis = rice


Mit Gemüse?                           With Vegtables?

Gemüse = vegtable


Ja. Mit Gemüse, bitte.´ Yes. With vegtables, please.

Mit = with


Wo ist der Supermarkt?           Where is the Supermarket?

Wo = Where

ist = is

der = the (only for male Persons and things)

-> Wo ist der Supermarkt.mp3


Wer bist Du?                           Who are You?

Wer = Who

Bist = are

Du = you

Ich bin Thao.                            I’m Thao

Ich = I

Bin = am


Guten Tag!                              Xin Chao / Hello

Gut = good / well

Tag = Day

Ich lebe in Phan Thiet in Vietnam.                    I live in Phan Thiet in Vietnam

Ich = I

Lebe = live

in = in

Ich lebe in Dresden in Germany                       I live in Dresden in Deutschland

Deutschland = Germany

deutsch = german

eins, zwei, drei             1 2 3

vier, fünf sechs 4 5 6

sieben, acht, neun         7 8 9

zehn, elf, zwölf 10 11 12

Wieviel kostet das?                             How much cost this? (Bao nhiêu?)

Wieviel = How much

kostet = cost

das = The or This


Der Fisch kostet vier Euro                   The Fish costs 4 Euro

Die Gurke kostet einen Euro                The cucumber costs 1 Euro

Fisch = Fish

Gurke = cucumber


Wie alt bist Du?                                   How old are You?

Wie = How

alt = old

bist = are

Du = you (salutation for younger people and for friends)


Wie alt sind Sie?

Sie = You (but more polite – for older people or strangers)

Ich bin zweiunddreißig (32) Jahre alt.               I’m 32 years old

Ich = I

bin = am

Jahr = year

Jahre = Years

Alt = old


Hint: In german language there is a difference between “Du” and “Sie” (in english language it is “You” in both cases): You use “Du” for friends and young people and “Sie” (more polite) for strangers and for older people


Gestern – heute – morgen (Yesterday – Today – Tomorrow)

Heute ist ein schöner Tag                    Today is a nice day

heute = today

ist = is

ein = a

schön = nice (or beautiful)

Tag = day


Morgen gehe ich in die Schule                        Tomorrow I go to School

Morgen = tomorrow

Gehe = go

In = in

Die = the (female)

Schule = school


Gestern war ich beim Yoga                Yesterday I was at Yoga

gestern = yesterday

war = was

ich = I

beim = bei dem = at the

Repro: Oiger, Original: Madeleine Arndt